dolosite version 2.2.2
site is currently under re-re-reconstruction
made with vanilla js
click here and press tab to begin input
type help to get a list of commands
init textbox...........ready
[help] gets help
[draw,doloramen] draws the ascii art of the page
[exit] does nothing.....or does it? it doesn't
[reld,reload,clr,clear] reloads the page
[ok,sure,alright] ok
[meat] something about meat
[init,start,web,go] go to the actual website part
[burn,day,torch] turn on light mode
[dark,night,dim] turn on dark mode
[flag] ??????
[list,links,recs,reccomended] list a set of links reccomended
마음과 몸을 분리하는 것은 세상에서 자신을 제거하는 것입니다
i love meat, in fact i eat meat everyday.